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Legal Translation

This is undoubtedly the most complex area of translation requiring total precision and accuracy.

Legal translation covers any text that is related to law and requires a much greater understanding of the legal system and technical terms in both the source and target languages.

Documents requiring legal translation include wills, contracts, agreements, etc. but may also include text relating to legal systems and laws.

Literal translation does not usually convey exactly the various meanings, precedents and nuances of the documents and it is therefore essential that the appointed translator has substantial legal experience and expertise.

Although many different countries use common languages, the legal systems are often quite different. Even within the same country, different regions may have different laws or common practises. This, for instance, could be Common law, Islamic law, Tribal law or Anglo-American law all practised in the same country.

Some text to be translated may not have an equivalent convention in the target language, often due to cultural differences. In these cases, the translator must defer to translation theory and refer to specialised bilingual law dictionaries. However, the quality and accuracy of some dictionaries are below standard. For this reason it is important that the translator is both a native of the target country and, where necessary, the target region with local experienced lawyers checking the accuracy of both the meaning and impact of the translation.

Judicial Translation

Although related to legal translation, judicial translation covers Court documents which form part of a judicial proceeding. This could include such common documents as birth, death and marriage certificates to the more complex translation of lawsuits, sentences, witness statements affidavits and other documents to support litigation.

Whilst not usually as complicated to translate as legal texts, the accuracy and context of translation is vital as jurisdiction in a Court of Law is based in whole or in part on the documents presented. Any mistake in translation could therefore affect the judgement outcome.

As with legal translation, the translator must be native to the target country and have good experience in local law, judicial documentation and customs.

Local lawyers are also employed, where required, to peer review the translation.

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Administrative Translation

Our administration translators provide an end to end service encompassing process texts, reporting, standards, HR, communication and policy amongst others.

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Certification, Notarisation and Sworn Translation

Translators attesting to the accuracy and or validity of translated documents. Sworn translators accredited by the Government or the Courts. Legal translations conducted through a Notary authorised by the Government

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Commercial Translation

Translation of administrative procedures, designing common forms such as invoices in the target language together with procedures for easy completion by administration staff.

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Financial Translation

Everything from simple translation of Bank Statements and correspondence to the more complex taxation requirements, financial forecasts, Company Accounts and financial reporting.

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Interpretation Services

We employ interpreters with specific experience in most of the major industries including banking, government, production, science and technology.

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Legal Translation

Any text that is related to law and requires a much greater understanding of the legal system and technical terms in both the source and target languages.

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Literary Translation

This service represents a broad selection of literary translation requirements including books, articles, poetry, advertising and any text that requires creative flexibility to convey the same emotion in the target language.

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Medical Translation

Medical text translations including, but not limited to; medical reports, trials and investigations, pharmaceutical and prescriptions, processes and procedures, instructions and safety.

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Multimedia Localisation

Multimedia content includes both audio and video which may be presented as animation, flash movies and interactive presentations such as eLearning.

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Script Translation

Script translation for films, TV shows, documentaries etc. is a fast growing industry as more countries are making films for global distribution with streaming services increasing the volume of dramas and shows for global viewing.

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Software Localisation

Convert or adapt existing web based software and accompanying documentation to the technical, linguistic and cultural requirements and regulations of the target market, country or region.

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Technical Translation

Covering any text of a technical nature including instruction booklets, user guides, manuals, training guides and product marketing materials amongst others.

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Website Translation

We specialise in all types of website translation from content extraction translation to large Content Management Systems (CMS) translation.

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